Ruth Field

E.P.I.C. Coach & Writer


Empowering women to own their stories and fulfil EPIC goals…

E.P.I.C. Coaching

Enlightened Perspectives Inspire Change

Ruth has been overusing the word epic since adolescence and the acronym occurred to her after a morning jog. The poet Hafiz said - ‘the words we speak become the house we live in,’ - so if you’re articulating a goal, why not make it an EPIC one?

Ruth practised for a decade as a criminal barrister, where she became fascinated with the power of ‘story’ over facts, and this background informs her coaching style: an integrative approach utilising the most effective evidence-based CBT techniques and coaching frameworks, narrative therapy, metaphor and humour – to help women explore their stories, unearth limiting beliefs and propel them onwards to fulfil their EPIC goals.

Ruth is an AC Accredited Foundation Coach and a member of the Association for Coaching and The International Society for Coaching Psychology. She is also a member of The Criminal Bar Association.

For 1:1 coaching enquiries, visit the ‘Contact Me’ page or email Ruth:


The Heartbreak Hotel

Ruth is co-founder and resident coach over at The Heartbreak Hotel.

For retreat and event booking enquiries, please email:

The Heartbreak Hotel book

You can’t seem to get over the breakup. You feel stuck in cycles of rumination and pain. This revelatory guide provides brand-new therapeutic tools to revolutionize the way we overcome loss, as well as seek and welcome love, within and outside of ourselves.

Alice Haddon, psychologist with over twenty-five years of clinical experience, along with Ruth Field, bestselling self-help author, show us how we can dissect heartbreaks, mine them for strength and live our most empowered life.Bursting with compassion, humor, sass, and courage, this book will take you into the actual exercises conducted at the retreat. It will teach you how to:

  • face your deepest hurt without shame or judgment

  • ask for help and lean on the collective

  • be kind and forgiving to yourself

  • turn your heartbreak into an abundance of love and pride.

Providing you with a clear pathway to recovery, Alice and Ruth draw on their wealth of professional and personal experience to help you.

Upcoming Events

  • Day Retreat

    Feb 24th 2024

    ‘Heartbreak Recovery’



If motivation is a big issue and you find yourself glued to the sofa - long after that spectacular Netflix series has ended - then The Grit Doctor’s humorous best-selling self-help books might be just the ticket to help peel you off it. If you’re looking for a coach to help launch your writing project, look no further. Ruth has a Masters Degree in creative writing from Cambridge University and can help you get those words out of your head and onto the page. She will champion you throughout the process till you type the two greatest words in the English language: The End.

Ruth has written for The Times, The Irish Times, The Telegraph, The Evening Standard, and numerous magazines and publications.

You can buy her books here:

Run Fat B!tch Run’ ‘Get Your Sh!t Together’ ‘Cut The Crap